About Me
Last updated: 2025-01-27
I am a PhD atmospheric scientist with a keen interest in scientific programming and open-source software.
Currently, I am working as a Scientific Software Engineer for NOAA ARL (as a contractor, employed by ERT, Inc.). Our group primarily works on research and development for the National Air Quality Forecast, focusing on surface processes like emission and deposition. I develop and maintain projects such as the model evaluation tools MONET, MONETIO, and MELODIES MONET, and the atmospheric emissions system NEXUS. I am also part of a team developing a chemistry component for atmospheric modeling systems.
From fall 2024, I also have a partial appointment at Texas A&M University as a Research Scientist.
This year, I hope to advance some of my music-related personal projects. For example:
- public release of stringcalc including documentation and web interface
- start a database of trad tunes I know and build an app to suggests sets using this data
I have contributed in (mostly) small ways to different parts of the open-source scientific programming ecosystem (including xarray, pandas, fortran-lang, etc.). Here, I list some of my personal programming/software projects.
🎵 Music-related
— extract some information from tunes in ABC notation and work with musical notes and keys -
— plot melodeon layout diagrams -
— calculations for string instruments. Currently includes a Python API and CLI, (dev versions available on PyPI) with other interfaces planned. -
— remaking Sean Thrower's Segovia Scales diagrams (and maybe later extending to other tunings, etc.)
🌥 Science-related
Some closely related to my current NOAA work, some less so
— Python package for loading U.S. Climate Reference Network data into pandas and xarray, with variable attributes and descriptions and examples -
— MCS tracking and analysis in Python, a project with Kelly Núñez Ocasio -
— EPA region definitions with GeoPandas / regionmask, for assigning point or gridded data -
— NUOPC toy model experiments -
— make animations from xarray objects, similar to jbusecke/xmovie
🌳 Older science-related
Some science-related projects from during my PhD
— implements a variety of 1-D canopy radiative transfer schemes and provides a framework for using them easily and tools for comparing their results -
— integrating a system of point vortices with different languages and numerical methods - zmoon.github.io/bonanmodeling/ — code samples from the textbook Climate Change and Terrestrial Ecosystem Modeling (2019) organized and executed, with outputs provided
— Python wrapper for the EPA SCREEN3 point source dispersion model -
— Lagrangian (stochastic) particle dispersion with Python+Numba to model bees finding floral scents -
— simple chemical box model and mechanism analysis tools -
— provides a function to automatically save all open Matplotlib figures -
— multi-band radiative transfer in Gordon Bonan's 1-D canopy model
🗃️ Misc.
Not specifically/directly science- or music-related
- zmoon.github.io/FortranTipBrowser/ — Sphinx site for the @FortranTip tips
— read-only viewing of Jupyter Notebooks in the web browser using nbconvert -
— my Advent of Code solutions, currently mainly Python, + some Julia and Fortran